Monday, January 30, 2012

"I Come Complete": Elizabeth Harrington's The Quick and the Dead

"The Quick and the Dead"
by Elizabeth Harrington

The Quick and the Dead
by Elizabeth Harrington
Grayson Books, 2010; 30 pages, $10.00
ISBN: 978-0-9785382-6-2, paper
Reviewed by Brant Lyon

When faced with life's most difficult challenges and dealing with personal tragedy, perhaps what most sets a poet apart from someone else is the ability to put into words in the most artful way the brutal, the delicate, ineffable, obvious, esoteric, or universal in human experience. Or, as that homespun and inelegant saying about life's lemons puts it: to make lemonade.  Read review

1 comment:

  1. An absolutely insightful and dynamic review, which of course makes one want very much to devour "The Quick & the Dead," the latest & prize-garnering chapbook of poetry by Elizabeth Harrington! Mr. Lyon reviews the Harrington "canon" with both care & toughness.

    This treatment, I expect, reflects the two sides of most of Elizabeth's work in "The Quick & the Dead." Having been silly enough not to buy THIS book immediately, I expect to remedy that groaning deficiency in my literary airs ASAP going forward!
    Cheers, Larry



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